Flea Prevention

At Greystone Animal Hospital in Burnaby, a common question we receive from pet owners is "When is flea season?" The answer? Every season! While flea activity peaks from mid-summer to early fall, British Columbia's climate doesn't get cold enough to eliminate these persistent parasites. Year-round flea prevention is essential to safeguard your pet and family from a flea infestation's relentless cycle.

Flea Prevention

The Dangers of Fleas

The saying "It only takes one flea" might sound dramatic, but it's entirely true. A single flea can jump onto your pet, feed on its blood, and lay up to 40 eggs at a time. These eggs hatch within two weeks, leading to a full-blown infestation. Fleas not only torment your pet but can also invade your carpets, furniture, baseboards, and crevices throughout your home.

Left untreated, fleas can cause significant health problems for your pet, including hair loss, open sores, infections, tapeworms, and anemia. Fortunately, with proper medication and preventative measures, you can effectively prevent fleas.

Effective Flea Medication

The most effective way to keep fleas at bay is through regular medication administered by a veterinarian near you. This medication disrupts the flea's life cycle, preventing them from using your pet as a host. Your veterinarian will discuss the most suitable medication for your pet's needs and preferences. Options include topical treatments applied to the back of the neck, easy-to-chew tablets, or injectable medications administered by the vet.

Supportive Preventative Measures

While medication offers excellent protection, your veterinarian may recommend additional preventative measures based on your pet's individual needs. These may include flea collars or regular baths with medicated shampoo.

Maintaining a Flea-Free Environment

Even with a protected pet, fleas can still enter your home and yard. Here are some tips to make your surroundings less hospitable to fleas:

•             Vacuum regularly: This removes fleas, eggs, and larvae from your carpets and furniture.

•             Wash pet bedding frequently: Wash your pet's bedding in hot water to kill any fleas or eggs that may be present.

•             Seal entry points: Repair cracks or tears near windows and doors to prevent fleas from entering your home.

•             Maintain your yard: Keep your yard free of debris and overgrown areas where fleas can thrive. Consider landscaping strategies that discourage fleas.

•             Discourage wildlife: Taking measures to deter stray and wild animals from entering your yard can help minimize the risk of flea infestations. For example, keep trash covered and avoid leaving food or other attractants outdoors.

Contact Greystone Animal Hospital

If you live in the Burnaby area and have concerns about fleas, Greystone Animal Hospital is here to help. Our friendly staff is happy to answer your questions and guide you through effective flea prevention strategies. Contact us today at (604) 559-4488.

Greystone Animal Hospital


1601 Burnwood Dr #7,
Burnaby, BC V5A 4H1


8:00 am - 8:00 pm


8:00 am - 8:00 pm


8:00 am - 8:00 pm


8:00 am - 8:00 pm


8:00 am - 8:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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